Street Wise Asphalt

About Street Wise®

Street Wise® High Performance Cold Mix is the newest member of the Barriere Construction Company family of products. After years of research and development, Street Wise® is the most innovative Cold Mix on the market. Our quality control department and development team has listened and responded to the requests of our clients, and the outcome has been extremely positive. Our customers are raving about Street Wise®, the most commonly used product in the southeast region of the United States. The simplicity of the product is testimony in itself. The long lasting, cost effective, easy to use characteristics of Street Wise®, coupled with its ability to be applied under any temperature conditions, makes this product the most valuable and versatile patching material on the market today.

About the Product

With Street Wise®, hazardous potholes can be repaired as soon as they appear – in rain, snow or dry weather, in the heat of the summer or subfreezing temperatures and without the need for skilled laborers or special equipment. Street Wise® provides permanent patches that withstand the heaviest traffic, usually outlasting the original pavement. Special modifiers assure freshness for long life.
Recommended for potholes and failed concrete in roadways, highways, parking lots, railroad crossings, airport runways ramps and similar traffic routes. Click to see the Street Wise® Guarantee.



Street Wise®
High Performance Guarantee.

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